Monday 1 December 2014

Album and Magazine Photoshoot

Here are some images from the photoshoot yesterday. I will choose from these images for the album cover, booklet, disk and magazine advert. I have decided that for the back cover I want a mid-shot with Palmer’s hair a more natural shade of blonde. I think that firstly this will add some variety to the products. It will also give the viewer a more relatable representation of my artist. I will therefore do another shoot this evening to produce a suitable image.
I think these photographs work because the pink from the hair and headpiece adds a pop of colour. The colour scheme is appropriate for my artist and the pop genre as it is feminine and bright. Furthermore the flowers reflect her name; Lily and Palmer both denote plants. I also think these close up shots work well as the focus is completely on Palmer. I also chose the images with happy facial expressions as I think these give the vibe I was after; these shots are very light-hearted.


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