Friday 11 July 2014

Audience Research

I gave my questionnaire to a fairly diverse range of people, and tried to keep age and gender groups reasonably equal in numbers. This will allow me to recognise which features of a music video are generally the most and least popular, and which audiences are suited to particular conventions and genres. In the pie chart above the blue segments represent male participants, while the pinks represent females. I gained both quantitative and qualitative data, in order to gain both statistics and particular opinions. My results have allowed me to see what my music video should be like…

Quantitative Data Results

This bar chart shows that Pop music is the most preferred genre of music across the age groups, while Rock is the least. My results also suggest that Alternative music is more popular with older listeners, and Dance music is favoured by people between the ages of 21 and 40.

I have found that most participants wanted to see artists and bands wear fashionable clothing in their music videos. Most of these participants were female, with the plain and eccentric clothing being more favoured by males. This is as I expected, however more men than I expected also prefer fashionable clothing. Eccentric clothing was very popular with the older participants, but also liked by the youngest. From this I will probably dress my artist in fashionable clothing, unless their target audience is over 40.

70% of people asked thought that a music video should relate to the song lyrics. Therefore in my music video I will think about what the lyrics are saying, and not stray from the ideas and emotions conveyed.

The majority of people did not think that music videos should be sexualised, especially the youngest and oldest participants. Only two people thought that they should, however many stated that videos could be sexualised if it is appropriate for the audience. My video will not be sexualised, especially if my artist is aimed at younger listeners.

Performance-based music videos are the most popular across all age brackets, therefore when I create my music video it will be performance-based. I will definitely avoid a concept- based video as I found this the least popular option. As narrative-based videos were reasonably popular, I may include a narrative segment depending on the audience I decide to target.

Qualitative Data Results

Most participants stated that they don’t like it when music videos do not feature the artist/band, but like to see them throughout. They also often specified that they enjoy originality, but only to a certain extent- most did not like extremely quirky videos. They did not enjoy sexism, especially the objectification of women and unnecessarily sexualised scenes. Many specifically referred to Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda video, saying that they didn’t like videos which were ridiculously raunchy, involving degrading and “twerking”. Many participants said that they wanted to see the artist performing live, but were split on their opinions about extended, movie-like videos. When creating my music video I will take these opinions into account and attempt to produce something which my target audience especially will enjoy.

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