Monday 28 July 2014

Magazine Adverts

When releasing an album or single, artists will usually advertise using magazine adverts, often in conjunction with television and/or online ads. The advert will be put in certain magazines in order to reach the artist’s target audience; magazines targeted at the same audience will be bought by readers likely to enjoy the artist’s music. For example you wouldn’t see this Taylor Swift advert in Kerrang!, but are more likely to see 30 Seconds To Mars or Bring Me The Horizon.

Magazine adverts often include the same conventions. They will have the name of the album or single, and the name of the artist or band. There will usually be an image of artist or album cover. Many adverts use the album cover, like Gwen Stefani has for her Love. Angel. Music. Baby. advert. Alternatively, like Swift, they may use an image in the same style and colour scheme to the album. There may also be reviews- these may be quotes or just stars, and links to the artist’s website and possible their social media.

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