Saturday 13 December 2014

Finished Back Cover

Using lots of audience feedback, this is my finished product for the digipak back cover. I have decided to use white text because I think it is complimented by the white in my artist’s top. I think that the border gives a window effect, as if the viewer is looking into her life. However the fact that the border isn’t completely opaque reduces this ‘barrier’ between the artist and viewer. I added the barcode, logos and text on the right to give the back cover a more porfessional look.

Finished Disk

This is my completed album disk. I am really happy with how the image looks and how well it works weighted to one side. While it is somewhat unusual for the artist’s face to be on the disk, it is not entirely rare and I think that this works effectively for my artist. Because most disks are very simplistic, I didn’t use text to keep mine fairly plain too. I don’t think it needs the artist’s name/album title on the disk because the image so evidently pairs with the digipak case. Furthermore by not including text, the disk, to a certain extent, suggests that text is not needed; the viewer should recognise my artist. I also think that the eye contact is really effective in drawing the viwer’s attention.

Back Cover Audience Feedback

I became unsure which of my back covers looked the best, so I used Facebook to gather some audience research. I sent the options to teenage girls fitting my artist’s target audience so that the feedback was appropriate and relevant. In general they liked my edits, and the most popular was number 6. I have used a pie chart to clearly reflect my findings- whenever the image gained positive feedback I gave it a point. I found this process really helpful as it was a very easy way to share my ideas, as I was given plenty of unbiased opinions. Therefore I will continue working on the 6th edit.

Completed Magazine Advert

I am really proud of how my magazine advert has turned out. I used the artist name (which is also the album title) to draw the readers’ attention by making it very large and stark white. Then the font around the image brings the reader down to the bar in the lower third, where I have used a rejected cover design as a deluxe version. I think this works well as it was the favourite design, but wouldn’t work in attracting casual fans. The deluxe album is most likely to be bought by dedicated fans, would wouldn’t really need the clarity of the white font. Furthermore the deluxe edition would be released after the original, so people would likely be familiar with the image.

I gave some of the text a slightly transparent appearance because I think it looks very delicate and attractive, suiting my artist’s image. I have also created synergy with the album in many ways, including-

-        Images from the digipak, most obviously the main image is featured on the disk. The hair in particular is very noticeable as reflecting the album.

-        I have again used the Riesling font, with ‘Lily Palmer’ having a similar effect with double lines.

-        The colour scheme is the same with a dominant use of pink, and white text. The other text is also the same colour as the text on the deluxe album.

I also decided to add a website and twitter handle to help viewers to find out more about my artist and her music. The twitter handle particularly appeals to Palmer’s technology-savvy, social network loving target audience.

Friday 12 December 2014

Album Cover Options

When editing the album cover, I found it difficult to choose between some options. Therefore I asked for feedback from teenagers. They didn’t like the text at the bottom of the image as it covered the face, and preferred versions without a white border. The general consensus was that the design in the top right was the favourite, however the text did not stand out enough. They found that the doubling up of the text make the name/album title stand out.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Back Cover Image

For this image I was very conscious that it must fit in with the other images, so I used a filter to compensate for the lack of pink shades in the image. I have prepared the background so that the middle section (where the text will be) is faintly illuminated. This will attract attention to the track list.