Saturday 30 August 2014

Song Choice 3: Taylor Swift- Shake It Off

Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off is so typical of the pop music genre. The repetition in the song makes it very catchy and the up-tempo beat would suit a performance based music video with my artist lip syncing. My idea mainly revolves around dressing my artist up in different costumes to match the lyrics.

I go on too many dates

But I can’t make them stay

For example while singing the first line, my artist would be dressed up as if going on a date- beautiful make-up, hair up, wearing a nice dress. Then for the second she would be wearing the same dress but her hair and make-up would be a mess- with mascara running down her face to suggest she has been crying.

All the costumes would be exciting for the target audience- which would be young girls. Furthermore the focus on the artist would be ideal to promote her image.

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