Tuesday 9 September 2014

Artist image

Palmer’s image will be very important to her brand. As a role model to young fans, her style, attitude and behaviour will be appropriate and sweet. She will wear a lot of pastel colours as these are considered pretty and youthful. I have gained inspiration from many similar celebrities in order to decide on a look which is right for my artist. Like Perrie Edwards from girl group Little Mix, Palmer is a pop artist with young, female fans. Edwards often wears bright colours, especially pink, and I think this is effective in reflecting her genre of music. Taylor Swift’s sensible but sweet lacy dresses are mature, yet pretty and girlish. This represents her as a perfect role model; she is not trying to be provocative, but instead is grown up in a matured way. Furthermore when wearing a shirt dress, she opts for a high neckline. This further shows her perfect balance between maturity and youth. I also want Palmer to have a slightly bohemian edge to her style, like Disney star Vanessa Hudgens. Hudgens is famous for her cute festival style, and I was inspired by her individuality. For Palmer, this boho look could include, perhaps, a lacy white crop top paired with patterned palazzo trousers. This style conveys a sense of peace and happiness. I also love how Blake Lively styles her hair, and think that her look would be perfect for Palmer. Her long blonde locks are reminiscent of a fairy-tale princess, and therefore are often considered desirable by young girls. A princess look would also present Palmer as a kind person. Being ‘likable’ is very important for pop artists, as fans are less likely to be avid music fans; the pop genre appeals to the masses, so listeners may not be just interested in the music. Pop artists are also more likely to have ‘megafans’ who want to know absolutely everything about their idol.
I have chosen Francesca Banat to present my artist. Her blonde hair is perfect for the role, and her skin tone looks great in both pastel and bright colours. She is very pretty and her appearance is very sweet, just as Palmer’s should be. She simply looks like a kind person. I also think she will very good at performing because she is a good actress. She is also the correct age, as Palmer is supposed to be 18 and Francesca is 17. Therefore she will look like a teenage pop artist. Furthermore she doesn’t look too young; she looks mature, and thus like a good role model for children to idolise.

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